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2024 Endorsements

President of the US

Kamala Harris/ Tim Walz​


US Senator

Angela Alsobrooks​​


U.S. Representative District 3

Sarah Elfreth​​


HCPSS Board of Education

District 1

Meg Ricks​


District 2

Antonia Watts​


District 3

Jolene Mosely​


District 4

Jen Mallo​


District 5

Andrea Shamble​​


Question 1: Constitutional Amendment   (Ch.245 of the 2023 Legislative Session)

                    Declaration of Rights - Rights to Reproductive Freedom

The proposed amendment confirms an individual's fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end the individual's pregnancy, and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge, the right unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.

(Adding Article 48 to the Maryland Declaration of Rights)

                    YES- For the Constitutional Amendment


Question A: Charter Amendment

                     Office of the Inspector General

Amending the County Charter to create an independent Office of Inspector General to provide increased accountability and oversight of county government and county funded organizations. The Inspector General would investigate fraud, waste and abuse, and identify ways to promote efficiency, accountability, compliance and integrity. The office would do its work without interference from the County Executive and County Council. The office could hire legal, financial and technical advisors as needed. The Executive's proposed budget would have to include the funding requested by the Inspector General, and the Executive could not reorganize the office. The County Council would pass a law to specify the details of the office, including the appointment, removal and oversight of the Inspector General. The law may also provide for the use of a Council appointed board.

                     NO- Against the Amendment


Patricia C. Thomas, President

Willis Gay, Vice President

Veronica Wright, Chair, Candidates Corner

Christine Santos-Nurse, Corresponding Secretary

The Thurgood Marshall Democratic Club of Howard County

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